Astainless marking

Stainless Steel Knife Blade

This blade adorned with Ocean Instrumentation's mermaid friend is accomplished by laser baking a ceramic coating applied to the metal surface. The black marking is lasting, durable and can be extremely detailed.

Fuel Manifold

An engine room below decks aboard the sailing vessel HANNA and detailed by Brown Beezer sports a stainless steel manifold adorned with graphics as specified.

Stainless Builder's Plaque

This stainless version of New England Boatworks builder's plaque was mounted on board BELLATRIX, a custom sailing vessel built by New Englan Boatworks adorning the deck of the 370' (114 meter) Le Grand Bleu, one of the world's largest private yachts.

Ocean Instrumentation, Ltd. - 719 Bulgarmarsh Rd - Tiverton, RI 02878